Emerson Theater Collaborative’s Spinning Into Butter, by Rebecca Gilman

Set on a small college campus in Vermont, “Spinning Into Butter” explores the dangers of both racism and political correctness in America today. When one of the few African American students at liberal Belmont College begins receiving hate mail, the campus erupts, first with shock, then with mutual recrimination as faculty and students alike try to prove their own tolerance by condemning one another. At the center of this malestrom is Sarah Daniels, the dean of students. As the administration sponsors public “race forums” and the students start their activist groups, Sarah is forced to explore her own feelings of racism. Her self-examination leads to some surprising discoveries and painful insights, the consequences of which even she can’t predict.

“The ‘issue’ play makes a comeback with “Spinning Into Butter,” the highly anticipated Gotham debut of playwright Rebecca Gilman, whose work has been acclaimed in prior London and Chicago outings. Gilman’s subject…is the latent racism that may lurk in the liberal hearts of—well, people like New York theatergoers! It’s a potent topic, and the playwright explores it with an admirable boldness as well as a niceleavening of humor.” –Variety

Tickets may be purchased at the door, but seating is limited. Advanced purchase is recommended.

Spinning Into Butter Image by Sarah Paolucci

Spinning Into Butter Image by Sarah Paolucci

The Journey Continues

The Senior alert becomes effective September 7 School is in session.  What do I want to say to this? I am speechless at the moment. As I continue to take pictures of what is to be his last official year of school and both relieved and not so much so. More thoughts later. I am off to a place for a moment to live life in peace.